Shiho Yokokawa’s Flower Scenery

Shiho Yokokawa’s Flower Scenery


Now that I spend more time at home in the corona, it is natural and gentle to have a favorite vase in the room, a pretty and beautiful wild flower to put in it, and a simple flower reminiscent of my hometown.
I think you can spend a lot of time.
Just as the combination of food and dish is important, so is the combination of flowers and vase.
Which vase should I put the single flower in my hand.
It’s also fun to think while listening to the voice of the flower and the voice of the vase.

Shiho Yokokawa

Born in Tokyo.
Studied under Toshiro Kawase since 2005.
“Nageire Flower Class” is held in various places.
https://nageire.jimdofree.com/(The External Link)

Shiho Yokokawa


Flowers:Chrysanthemum japonicum, Cocculus orbiculatus
Vase:Hanging Vase

Shiho Yokokawa

Shiho Yokokawa

Shiho Yokokawa

Bamboo Flower Basket(Rokansai Iizuka)

Flowers:Aster microcephalus var. ovatus, Chrysanthemum japonense, Chrysanthemum japonicum, Tricyrtis, Solidago virgaurea var. asiatica, Amsonia elliptica, Persicaria odorata subsp. conspicua, Persicaria filiformis
Vase:Bamboo Flower Basket(Rokansai Iizuka)

Shiho Yokokawa


Flowers:Platycodon grandiflorus, Gentiana scabra var. buergeri, Amsonia elliptica, Crataegus cuneata
Vase:Madara-Garatsu Jar(Momoyama period)

Shiho Yokokawa

Bamboo Flower Basket(Shokansai Iizuka)

Flowers:Tricyrtis, Lysimachia clethroides, Euonymus alatus
Vase:Shokansai Iizuka

Hakeme Water Jar

Flowers:Camellia japonica
Vase:Hakeme Jar(Joseon dynasty)

Blue and White Jar

Flowers:Camellia japonica, Viburnum furcatum
Vase:Blue and White Jar with Peony design(Joseon dynasty)

With the cooperation of photographer Toru Eto, the scene of Shiho Yokokawa’s “Nageire” will be posted in a column irregularly as “Shiho Yokokawa’s Flower Scenery”.
We hope that you will enjoy it as much as possible as your home time.

Takashi Imabayashi

Akira Eto

Born in Fukuoka.
Graduated from California International University in 1997.
Official photographer of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks, Hotel Okura Fukuoka, Nishitetsu Group.