Seika Suda


Seika Suda

1th Seika Suda 1862-1927

1th Seika Suda was born in Kanazawa.
Real name is Yosaburo, alias Seika.
In 1880, after graduating from Ishikawa Prefectural Kangyo Examination Room Ceramics Department, studied ceramics in Kyoto.
In 1883, joined Kutani Pottery Company.
In 1891, opened the Nishiki kiln in yamashiro onsen.
In 1906, opened the “Seika kiln”.
Developing a variety of pottery that skillfully imitates shonzui, gosu-akae, old-kutani, etc. Among them, he was good at blue and white.
In 1915, Rosanjin Kitaoji visited seika kiln, learned the basics, and was greatly influenced by the establishment of ceramic art.

2th Seika Suda 1892-1971

2th Seika Suda was born as the child of 1th Seika Suda.

3th Seika Suda 1916-1981

In 1939, graduated from Tokyo School of Fine Arts, Department of Crafts.
Studied under the 2th Seika Suda.
In 1971, succeeded to the 3th Seika Suda.

4th Seika Suda 1940-

4th Seika Suda was born in Ishikawa prefecture as the child of 3th Seika Suda.
After graduating from Kanazawa College Of Art, Western Painting Department, studied pottery under the 2th Seika Suda and 3th Seika Suda.
In 1981, succeeded to the 4th Seika Suda.
Committed to traditional pottery making using kick potter’s wheels and wood fired kiln, and cherish the spirit of handicrafts.

We sell and purchase Seika Suda

We have a physical shop in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, where we sell and purchase works by Seika Suda. Drawing on a long career and rich experience in dealing, we promise to provide the finest service in the best interests of our customers. With the main goal of pleasing our customers, we will serve you with the utmost sincerity and responsibility until we close the deal.