Rokansai Iizuka


Rokansai Iizuka

Rokansai Iizuka was born in Tochigi prefecture as the sixth son of Hosai Iizuka.
Real name is Yanosuke, and other names are Rokansai and Yuseki.
Began to show abilities under the guidance of the father from around 1902.
The teenager wants to be a painter,
Determined to produce bamboo art with a high degree of artistry.
Moved to Tokyo in 1910.
Adopted by 2th Hosai Iizuka in 1914.
Produced the “Basket” for the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Taisho in 1915.
Received another name from “Rokansai” from Nanzan Ashino of the seal engraving in 1916.
Received the Silver award at the Peacefully commemorative tokyo exhibition in 1922.
Received the Bronze award at the Exposition internationale des arts decoratifs et industriels modernes in 1925.
Produced the “Basket” for the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Syowa in 1928.
Inaugurated as the judge of the Tokyo prefectural craft exhibition in 1931.
Received the Special selection at the Teiten in 1932.
Exhibited at the World’s columbian exposition in 1933.
Bruno Julius Florian Taut visited Rokansai and continued to interact for several years.
Taut can be likened to “Chikuunsai Tanabe of the west, Rokansai Iizuka of the east”,
Described his work as “Modern”.
Received the Special selection at the Teiten in 1934.
Received the Honorary Award at the Expositions universelles de paris in 1937.
Inaugurated as the judge of the Bunten in 1939.
Produced the “Basket” for the imperial visit of the Emperor Syowa in 1947.
Inaugurated as the chairman of the Japan bamboo association in 1950.
Inaugurated as the counselor of the Japan art exhibition in 1952.
Inaugurated as the director of the Japan craft association in 1955.
Learned the calligraphy, Study of chinese classics, haiku, waka, Japanese culture,
Also enjoyed extensive interaction with craftsmen and literary artists such as Hazan Itaya and Gonroku Matsuda.
With elaborate and detailed technique and original and innovative design that makes full use of bamboo,
Bamboo work that was adapted to everyday life has been raised to an artistic area rich in aesthetic appreciation.
Introducing the concept of the most formal style / semi formal style / casual style into the work,
“Signature” that correspond mainly to natural things and events are attached to the work.
Rich sensibility and ingenuity are shown in how to choose and use bamboo materials,
Left great achievements in the expression of bamboo crafts.

We sell and purchase Rokansai Iizuka

We have a physical shop in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, where we sell and purchase works by Rokansai Iizuka. Drawing on a long career and rich experience in dealing, we promise to provide the finest service in the best interests of our customers. With the main goal of pleasing our customers, we will serve you with the utmost sincerity and responsibility until we close the deal.